Domestic Violence

The DV Program “Peace UP and Violence DOWN.”

(English & Spanish)

The National Coalition against Domestic Violence (DV) defines as a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence, when one person believes they are entitled to control another.

  • Domestic Violence (sometimes called domestic abuse) or Family Violence workshop will be offered to parents, caregivers, and anyone who feels that are suffering from Domestic Violence (DV). During the course of the program, we will learn about DV, types of abuse, safety plans, effects of DV on Children, signs of domestic violence, etc…
  • This DV program is also appropriate for those batterers who needs to learn, read and practice, and often have low self-esteem, rush in to relationships, are excessively jealous, use negative behaviors (drugs, alcohol, battering) to cope with stress, and/or have poor communication skills, etc...
  • “The National Coalition against Domestic Violence (DV) defines as a pattern of behavior used to establish power and control over another person through fear and intimidation, often including the threat or use of violence, when one person believes they are entitled to control another”.

“Domestic Violence is AGAINST the law and Violence is NEVER acceptable”.

a. This program is also appropriate for those batterers who needs to learn, read and practice, and often have low self-esteem, rush in to relationships, are excessively jealous, use negative behaviors (drugs, alcohol, battering) to cope with stress, and/or have poor communication skills, etc...

It is everybody’s business, and it is a crime!

b. In NYS and NYC, Police have attended thousands of homes because there is domestic violence.

c. Every day children in NYS and NYC who live with violence are scared at home.

d. In NYS and NYC, Police have attended thousands of homes because there is domestic violence.

e. Every day children in NYS and NYC who live with violence are scared at home.

Domestic Violence is:

f. A crime and is not a private matter, and children are affected by DV.

g. It happens in all communities, all cultures and all socio-economic groups. Is one of the most common causes of serious injury & death in women.

Recommended Books: 

  • The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce. Judith S. Wallerstein, Julia M. Lewis & Sandra Blakeslee. 2000.
  • Helping Children Cope with Divorce. Edward Teyber. 2001.
  • The Domestic Assault of Women. Donald G. Dutton. 1995.
  • Shattered Bonds. The Color of Child Welfare. Dorothy Roberts. 2002.
  • Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence. Brochure. 2000.